
Thursday, 25 November 2010

Android for beginners

I have put together a few links explaning about android, rooting it and all the jargon used, to give all you beginners a heads up;

About android

About rooting your phone and why

You may hear about the android kernel and dont have a clue what it is, well read this (based on the linux kernel)

ADB you will hear that mentioned a lot in android and rooting/modding your phone you will need to know about it

One of the most popular custom roms out

Using the command line (windows) you need to know how to use it! (running a program from the command line)

Im going to assume that anyone running linux already knows how to use the terminal 

Gmail tasks in ubuntu

One way to have gtasks in your system tray running as if its a program in ubuntu.
This method uses prism

Monday, 22 November 2010

Cyanogen MOD 6 (cm6) system app updates

Just updated system apps with the latest 18/12/10

The now removes the apps it updates, from the /data/app automatically now. So no need to remove the apps before applying the update. Now you will have some more memory free to download more apps!

The update contains the latest apps;
  • Supper user by chainsdd
  • Gmail
  • Voice search
  • Twitter
  • Amazon mp3
  • Maps
  • Rommanager
  • Facebook
  • Youtube
  • Car home 
  • Quick search
Dowload from here

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

adobe air on ubuntu 10.10 64 bit

Here is the easiest way to install adobe air on ubuntu 10.10 64bit.
Just rebuild the .deb package to an x64 arch and then install it and boom you are done no need to mess with the instructions on the adobe site installing 32 bit libs ect.

Here is the link for instructions on how to rebuild the package.

And when you are done you will be able to have BBC iplayer, tweetdeck ect running awesome!

Monday, 18 October 2010

cm6 system updates

CyanogenMod 6 System App Update
Added chainsDD’s super user app and car home to the system updates, still have to manually remove the old updates from the /data/app by just uninstalling them before flashing the
Iv got the updater script to remove apps from the /data/app but have not added it to the yet, still messing about to make sure it does everything i want it to.
The contains the following updates;
  • Voice search
  • Twitter
  • Super user by chainsDD
  • RomManager
  • Maps
  • Quick search
  • Gmail
  • amazon mp3
  • Car home
  • Facebook
  • Youtube
Update download: Updates

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Cyanogen mod 6 system app updates

Hi all just made a quick system app for cyanogen mod 6 (cm6).

Just flash and it will up date: twitter, rom manager, maps, quicksearch, gmail, voice search, amazonmp3 to the /system/app partition of the phone


If you have installed any of the apps from above from the market please uninstall first! then flash.

I will update this every time there is an app update, so the will have the latests app updates in it, just check the date on the zip file name
